Filter: Category: ChandeliersxCatalogue: Classic Lighting 2019xGroup: IPM Contemporary x
  • 2172 Chandeliers Contemporary


    Chandeliers | Contemporary

    Chandelier with round Italian crystal hand-cut. Lighting item that diffuses the light with great effect in the surrounding environement creating a ..

    ø 44 cm H 82 cm - KG 15

  • 1505/CH5 Chandeliers Contemporary


    Chandeliers | Contemporary

    Chandelier 5 lights with pendants in Asfour crystal and double fabric lampshades. Lighting item that diffuses the light with great effect in the su..

    H max 90 cm ø 75 cm Pø 16 cm

  • 1506/CH8 Chandeliers Contemporary


    Chandeliers | Contemporary

    Chandelier 8 lights with pendants in Asfour crystal and double fabric lampshades. Lighting item that diffuses the light with great effect in the su..

    H 68 cm ø 109 cm Pø 16 cm

  • 1507/CH8 Chandeliers Contemporary


    Chandeliers | Contemporary

    Chandelier 8 lights with pendants in Asfour crystal and double fabric lampshades. Lighting item that diffuses the light with great effect in the su..

    H 82 cm ø 148 cm Pø 18 cm

  • 1508/CH12 Chandeliers Contemporary


    Chandeliers | Contemporary

    Chandelier 12 lights with pendants in Asfour crystal and double fabric lampshades. Lighting item that diffuses the light with great effect in the s..

    H 120 cm ø 190 cm Pø 20 cm

  • 1210 Chandeliers Contemporary


    Chandeliers | Contemporary

    Lampadario in cromo lucido con pendenti e paralumi neri. Corpo illuminante che diffonde con grande effetto la luce nell’ambiente circostante creand..

    h 62 cm • Ø 80 cm

  • 1452/CH8 Chandeliers Contemporary


    Chandeliers | Contemporary

    Chandelier in brass with crystal decorations and fabric lampshades. Lighting item that diffuses the light with great effect in the surrounding envi..

    H 70 cm ø 110 cm Pø 18 cm